Ip Address Hack

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Now i have seen people ask this question over and over and over. So i thought of making a

detailed tutorial on this, which might help "some" people.


This tut does require certain basics, so i suggest beginners should read about ports and other things
(although i have explained it here it might be intermidiate level).
Now basically you cannot just do anything youwant with the ip adress. You can but you need right things some mind and also luck.

Anyways lets begin shall we.

Getting an Ipaddress:

Ok there are lots of ways of getting an ip address. For example you can use ipget plugin of

msnplus and send him a picture or a smiley that he doesn't have. Or you can do this the

easy and effective way:

Now this site basically has some scripts installed, and when you register to them they give

you a referal link like reza24.com/id=1180 something. All you have to do is give it to your

victim and say "Hey can you check if this site is opening? Its not opening for me."

He clicks and you get his ip EMAILED to you, instantly.

Also keep in mind that not all ipaddresses are static. Some isp provide dynamic addresses,

so its matter of time the user will turn off his net and the ip will be changed. So try to

hack him as soon as you get his ip.

That sums up that part of getting victim's ip. Lets move on to hax0ring.

Port Scanning:

First thing you do is try to ping the ip. So if the victim is online you will get reply

else request timed out.

In my case yep he is online. Lets scan for open ports now.

1) I use Blues port Scanner you can download from: 


The result now:

Interesting ports on *ipaddress*:
(The 65522 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open sunrpc
135/tcp open loc-srv
443/tcp open https 1027/tcp open IIS
1030/tcp open iad1
2306/tcp open unknown
5631/tcp open pcanywheredata
7937/tcp open unknown
7938/tcp open unknown
36890/tcp open unknown

Take note of all the ports that you see listed before you. Most of them will be paired up

with the type of protocol that uses that port (IE. 80-HTTP 25-SMTP Etc Etc…) Simply take

all that information and paste it into notepad or the editor of your choice. But there is

one problem, we all know its not that easy, we dont even know what type of software or what

operating system that this system is running.

2) NMAP - Port Scanner Has unique OS fingerprinting methods so when the program sees a

certain series of ports open it uses its best judgement to guess what operating system its

running. Generally correct.

So we have to figure out what type of software this box is running. Many of you have used

TELNET for those who haven't TELNET is used to open a remote connection to an IP Address

through a Port.


we are accessing their computer from across the internet, all we need is their IP Address and a port number. With that record you are starting to compile, open a TELNET connection to the IP Address and enter one of the OPEN ports that you found on the target.

So say we typed ‘TELNET -o xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 25′ This command will open up a connection

through port 25 to the IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Now you may see some text at the very top of the

screen. you may think, well what the hell, how is that little string of text going to help

me. Well get that list you are starting to write, and copy the banners into your

compilation of the information you've gathered on your target. Banners/Headers are what you

get when you TELNET to the open ports. Heres an example of a banner from port 25.

220 7thsage.gha.chartermi.net ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:22:29 -0400

Now this is a very important part in the enumeration process. You notice it says ‘Sendmail

8.12.8/8.12.8′ Well what do ya know, we now have discovered a version number. This is where

we can start identifying the programs running on the machine. There are some instances in

which companies will try and falsify their headers/banners so hackers are unable to find

out what programs are truly installed. Some ports may not have banners.

Other points of interest may be the DNS server, that contains lots of information and if

you are able to manipulate it than you can pretend to hotmail, and steal a bunch of peoples

email. Well now back to the task at hand. Apart from actual company secrets and secret

configurations of the network hardware, you got some good info.

http://www.securityfocus.com is a very good resource for looking up software

vulnerabilities. If you cant find any vulnerabilities there, search on google. There are

many, many, many other sites that post vulnerabilities that their groups find and their

affiliates. http://www.milw0rm.com is also very popular, but its generally down for me, fools

ddosing it.

At SecurityFocus you can search through vendor and whatnot to try and find your peice of

software, or you can use the search box. I looked up and i found a paper on how Sendmail

8.12.8 had a buffer overflow. There was proof of concept code where they wrote the

shellcode and everything, so if you ran the code with the right syntax, a command prompt

would just spawn. You should notice a (#) on the line where your code is being typed. That

pound symbol means that the command prompt window thats currently open was opened as root.

The highest privilage on a UNIX/Linux Box. You have just successfully hacked a box. So now

you have cmd shell infront of you, start doing whatever you want.

HOWEVER its not recommended just leave a text file saying how you did it so they can patch

it. For Blackhats such as mine you can just keep it a secret. This will avoid visits from

unwanted authorities :P

There are many types of exploits out there, some are Denial of Service exploits, where you

shut down a box, or render an application/process unusable. Called denial of service simply

because you are denying a service on someones box to everyone trying to access it. Buffer

Overflow exploits are involved when a variable inside some code doesnt have any input

validation. Each letter you enter in for the string variable will be 1 byte long. Now where

the variables are located at when they are in use by a program is called the buffer. Now

what do you think overflowing the buffer means. We overflow the buffer so we can get to a

totally different memory address. Then people write whats called shellcode in hex. This

shellcode is what returns that command prompt when you run the exploit. That wasnt the best

description of a buffer overflow, however all you need to remember is that garbage data

fills up the data registers so then the buffer overflows and allows for remote execution of

almost every command available. There are many, many other types of attacks that cannot all

be described here, like man-in-the-middle attacks where you spoof who you are. Performed

correctly, the victim will enter http://www.bank.com and his connection will be redirected

to your site where you can make a username and password box, make the site look legit. And

your poor mark will enter their credentials into your site, when they think its really

http://www.bank.com. You need to have a small script set up so it will automatiically

display like an error or something once they try and log in with their credentials. This

makes it seem like the site is down and the victim doenst give it a second thought and will

simply try again later.



So as a summary of how to 0Wn a box when you only have an IP Address
Method Works On BOTH UNix and Windows. You can do the same with domain names (IE

google.com) than what you can with IP Addresses. Run a WHOIS Lookup or something along

those lines. Or check up on InterNIC you should be able to resolve the domain name to an IP


- Port Scan The Address And Record Open Ports.
- Telnet To Open Ports To Identify Software Running On Ports.

3) NetCat:

Like TELNET only better and with a lot more functionality. Both can be used when

you are trying to fingerprint software on open ports.

- Record Banners And Take Note Of The Application Running and The Version Number
- Take A Gander Online At SecurityFocus.com or Eeye.com. If you cant find any

vulnerabilities then search google.
- Make a copy of some Proof-Of-Concept code for the vulnerability.

*Read the documentation if there is any, for the proof-of-concept code you will be using

for your exploit*

- Run The Exploit Against The Victim.
- Reap The Cheap-Shot Ownage.



This tutorial does not cover up clearing the tracks. If you dare try any of this stuff on a

box you dont have consent to hack on, They will simply look at the logs and see your IP

Address and then go straight to your ISP. So i suggest you learn how to anonymize yourself,

there are lotta tuts here on HF.

Always remember the more info on the system you have the more are your chances to exploit




Vengadachalam T said...

Hack Ip-address Important now only i know..But there are many operation,process in Ip-address tracing,hacking,hiding,finding i find the ip-address using the site http://www.ip-details.com/